Easy Chocolate Protein Truffles

Easy Chocolate Protein Truffles

Where my chocolate lovers at?! Yes yes, I know we are all chocolate lovers, so here is a new recipe for you to satisfy that chocolate craving in a healthy way. I am all about enjoying a little something sweet after lunch or dinner or even as an afternoon snack. These SUPER EASY truffles are actually packed with protein (hem hem thank you Health Warrior Chocolate Protein) and are super satisfying. The protein powder gives it a delicious chocolate taste but also supports the nutrients we need in our daily diets. Firstly, protein (DUH), but also fiber and probiotics. The powder is made from ingredients like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds! Real food and real ingredients! It also has 20G of protein and less than 2G of sugar. 

A few notes on the recipe:

  • I used Chocolate Coconut flavored peanut butter, but any creamy nut butter will work! I have also made it with regular almond butter and peanut butter. As long as it is creamy / drippy (the best kind anyways) you are golden.
  • Store the truffles in the fridge and enjoy them within 5 days of making them or store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
  • You can also add coconut shavings and crushed nuts on top instead of sea salt. 

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time10 minsCook Time20 minsTotal Time30 mins


 ½ cup Peanut Butter (I used Chocolate Coconut Flavor, but regular works too)
 ¼ cup Maple Syrup
 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder (dutch pressed will taste best)
 1 Scoop of Health Warrior Chocolate Superfood Protein Powder
 Sea Salt for Topping
 ½ cup Dairy Free Chocolate Chips (for melted drizzle)



Add peanut butter and maple syrup to a mixing bowl. Combine well with a fork or whisk.


Add in cocoa powder and chocolate protein powder into the bowl. Mix well again until a thick dough is formed. You want to make sure it is as smooth as possible, so it may take a little bit of arm power!


Spoon a tbsp size portion of dough into your hand and create a circle / ball using your palms. Place each ball individually on a cookie sheet or small tray. The mix should make 10 to 12 balls.


Place in the fridge for 20 minutes to harden. While the truffles are setting in the fridge, melt the chocolate chips. Add them into a microwavable bowl and set on medium heat for 2 minutes. Mix at 1 minute and put back in. Depending on your microwave and size of the chips, they may need more than 2 minutes to melt.


Pour/drizzle melted chocolate over the truffles or dip the truffles directly into the bowl of melted chocolate. Sprinkle with sea salt, coconut flakes or crushed nuts. Let the chocolate harden and then store back in the fridge!


Thank you to Health Warrior for supporting eatwellwithsari.com and helping me champion a healthy lifestyle daily! 


 ½ cup Peanut Butter (I used Chocolate Coconut Flavor, but regular works too)
 ¼ cup Maple Syrup
 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder (dutch pressed will taste best)
 1 Scoop of Health Warrior Chocolate Superfood Protein Powder
 Sea Salt for Topping
 ½ cup Dairy Free Chocolate Chips (for melted drizzle)



Add peanut butter and maple syrup to a mixing bowl. Combine well with a fork or whisk.


Add in cocoa powder and chocolate protein powder into the bowl. Mix well again until a thick dough is formed. You want to make sure it is as smooth as possible, so it may take a little bit of arm power!


Spoon a tbsp size portion of dough into your hand and create a circle / ball using your palms. Place each ball individually on a cookie sheet or small tray. The mix should make 10 to 12 balls.


Place in the fridge for 20 minutes to harden. While the truffles are setting in the fridge, melt the chocolate chips. Add them into a microwavable bowl and set on medium heat for 2 minutes. Mix at 1 minute and put back in. Depending on your microwave and size of the chips, they may need more than 2 minutes to melt.


Pour/drizzle melted chocolate over the truffles or dip the truffles directly into the bowl of melted chocolate. Sprinkle with sea salt, coconut flakes or crushed nuts. Let the chocolate harden and then store back in the fridge!


Easy Chocolate Protein Truffles

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